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REDgen Talk on Resiliency - Saturday August 16th

Barbara Hale-Richlen MD


How exciting to see the wonderful turnout at the Shorewood Public Library on Saturday, August 16th for my presentation on resilience entitled The Transition Years: Understanding the Vulnerability of Our Youth. It was heartening to realize how many adults are interested in helping kids manage the transitions in their life.  This event, the first in a three part series, is sponsored by REDgen.  Below is a description of this wonderful group.  Many thanks to their members Amy Lovell, Margaret Rhody, Barbara Stutz, LCSW, David A. Songco, Psy.D., Bill Henkle, Amy Miller, Michael Matthias, LCSW and Brooke Talbot, MA.  I'd also like to thank the Charles E. Kubly Foundation for their generous support of REDGen.


REDgen is a local community action group consisting of  parents, community members, schools, interfaith congregations, mental health professionals and university employees throughout Milwaukee and the North Shore.  We are committed to working together across the community to promote balance and resiliency in the lives of our youth and families.  We hope to help the youth in our community, now and in the future, develop a resilient and healthy understanding of what success means.  
Learn more and access resources at:


Below is a link to the flyer for the Resiliency Through Change series:


Below is a link to my powerpoint presentation.



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